Friday, May 21, 2021

Morning Cardinal

It was early and I was driving up my block with sleepy eyes, headed to the train. I saw a bird in the road up ahead, standing as tall as he could on his tiny little legs.  He was right in my path and didn't look like he was going to move.   As I got closer I thought "okay lil one you better fly away, I'm coming straight that way!"  Then I opened my eyes a little wider as I was as close as I can be and saw it was a beautiful red Cardinal and he was just staring at me.  He flew away just I saw what he was.  He was so close he took my breath away.  It happened so fast I instantly let out a gasp. The instant he flew out of my path, I let out a sigh of relief and was left with a feeling of love.  I love these surprise visits, they always seem to come at the right time.  ❤️✨🦋
#cardinalsoflove #signsfromabove


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Sister sign


I had a sign from my sis today.  

It's been a sad today as I've been talking to my BFF of 33 years  in Houston who's sad because it was today a year ago her sister Anita went to heaven.  

It got me thinking about my sis Mary, wondering if she met my bff's sister up there.  

On my rush to Penn Station I was stopped in my tracks at the date on  the sidewalk..... JULY 31!!!!!

My sister's Bday!!

I'll take that as a great big YES to my question.  What a happy thought.🦋

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Sticker from Above

 It's official, I'm fully vaccinated!! 

I just left the place I got my shot and when I asked for a sticker at the check out point they said they didn't give them out there, only the nurses did 🥺... I was bummed because they gave them after my first shot.  Yes I'm a baby and wanted my sticker (LoL), but oh well.  I considered going back to the nurse to ask for one but thought I would certainly look silly so I left.  

Well......I was halfway to my car and look what was in my path:

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Cardinal


A beautiful bright red cardinal flew in front of my car as I was driving down my street headed home with Easter treats.  I wasn't driving very fast and it was so close to my window that I caught a full glimpse of his brilliant redness.  I gasped and instantly felt a kind of pure love throughout my whole being, then, exhaling that gasp, a smile automatically spread across my face and I said Mary's name out loud without even thinking about it.  I knew I  had just received a visit and it was the most beautiful feeling.  Smiles all day!! 

I am truly #blessedandgrateful 💗

Monday, March 22, 2021

Angel Mary


Angel Mary up above,

Family and friends still feel your love. 

The vibrant smile upon your face,

A beautiful image to never erase. 

A glowing spirit like no other,

Cherished forever by your mother. 

Such selfless love you always gave,

To siblings Lisa, Jeni and Dave.

Special moments to never forget,

Priceless gifts for Kelsey and Brett. 

Many embrace your signs from Heaven, 

Each cardinal, feather and 11:11. 

Little red bird; angelic white dove,

Angel Mary, up above.

~Leesah Noon Stapf  (2019)

AKA: Caring Cardinals ❤️

Loving Mary Forever


👼Today is a very special day.  It's the day I celebrate my Mary ❤️!  13 years ago she became an angel.  She is and always has been my shining 🌟 star!  My dear sister, my dear friend! 

She may be gone from Earth but she is very much a part of me everyday.   Showering me with amazing signs and love from above, strengthening my faith, keeping me strong.  

Thank you everyone for loving and celebrating Mary with me!


Monday, January 18, 2021

Maria ~ Divine Connections

I received a heart warming email from a beautiful soul named Adriana.  She found my Mary blog somehow and was drawn to read through it and reach out to me to let me know a little bit about her and her loss too.

My name is Adriana.  

I lost my sister Maria on December 13, 2015.  She was born on March 15.  My symbol for her is red cardinals and lady bugs.  I’m crying reading your blog.  Thank you for your words.  Adriana

There is a divine connection out there, up above, all around that brings us together.  I like to believe it is our loved ones who are watching over us and sending us signs and connecting us so we can share in our grief and so our faith can be once again renewed in the fact that life does go on and we don't really lose our loved ones, they are with us always.  Helping us, guiding us if we allow.  All we have to do is Believe and the signs and magic appears.  

Adriana and I continued to communicate via email a couple more times.  I was so happy to hear from her and I didn't even know her.  I had this feeling though as if we were connected.  It seems we were connected by love, a kind of love you don't experience on earth in a physical means, its a divine connectiveness kind of love that is from somewhere else.  I feel like it's a special kind of love that one can feel only when you are truly open and believe in the magic that is all around us.   Its pure.   I want to share her email that she sent about an experience she shared with me about a friend of hers who was having a reading from a medium because I think it should be out there and heard.  I've refrained from writing about my experiences with psychic mediums in the past because of the judgements I know are out there regarding this topic.  But I am past that now and think its time to share. All my experiences have been a strong confirmation regarding all the signs, synchronicities and visits I've had.   Stay tuned, I plan to share my experiences soon.  In the meantime, here is Adriana's beautiful story:

Hi Jeni,

I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  I’m glad you will be posting more on your site.  It brought me a lot of comfort.  I’m sorry about your sister’s death.  Thank you for responding to my email (I did not expect to hear from you).

A few days ago, my friend was getting a reading done by a medium.  I was very skeptical but tried to keep an open mind and heart.

The beginning of the reading she said I can hear a cardinal singing outside your window.  I smiled.  A cardinal arrived a few days ago for the arrival of Spring.

I listened to the medium from another room while my friend got a reading.  She was so accurate in everything she said.  My heart was drawn to the room  where my friend was getting her reading done (I sat in front of the computer).

I said in my mind, if this medium is real, Maria come through to me in some way.  A few seconds later she says, I keep heating a ‘ah’ sound...then she says....Mary....Maria.

My friend responded immediately by saying it was my sister.  The medium described her perfectly. The medium described her personality, her illness, the age she died (44 years old), her profession.......I started crying when the medium was describing her.  The medium said that she is always with me....I guess that is the question I must say every day.... 

I say:  “Maria, can you hear me?”  I say:  “Maria, are you here? 

I wish I could have heard more.....but the reading was for my friend.  I didn’t want to intrude.  All of her dead relatives came forward.  Amazing.....

I wish I could have had a conversation with my sister.  The medium said your sister is so quiet, so smart.  Dr. Maria.  She had her PhD in environmental sciences.  Maria studied and taught before she became so sick.....

Anyway, I guess I’m sharing because your site touched me deeply...all the signs that you notice.  Like whispers from God, angels,.......

I think that when we die, our bodies are deceased, but our spirits, or souls move to another dimension.  I’m not always in touch with that spiritual dimension.  I try to sit in silence in nature to access it.

I really like your uplifting words and stories.  I am grateful I came across them. 

Thank you for sharing 

My love and my heart go out to you Adriana and I thank our sisters for connecting us.   Keep on believing and never give up hope.  Maria is with you always and ready for you to hear her as the medium hears her.  XOXO  Love, you sister through our sisters, Jeni

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Mary Mask orders

My dear friend Leesah Marie from Caring Cardinals sent me a beautiful CC Covid-19 mask to help keep me safe.  

I took a picture and sent it to her with lots of love and gratitude.  She loved it so much she asked if she could use my picture on her Caring Cardinals website and I happily gave her permission....

Only moments after she posted my picture, she received an order for two masks from a "Mary" ❤️

#nocoincidences #lovefromabove

Messages of Love


I don't know who SN O'Neill is but I received short but sweet email as a reminder to me that sharing the signs and love I still receive from my Mary is an important message for all to hear.  I believe it helps people to open their minds and hearts to the truth that our loved ones are always near.